You Tube Easy Lessons on Learning to Paint Impasso

how to paint like monet

A step-by-step Impressionist Acrylic Painting

How do you achieve a more painterly impressionistic approach with acrylics?

In this series, I volition be posting a weekly video lesson that you tin can follow along at home. Information technology's costless to subscribe to the web log to receive updates so you lot can keep upwards with the painting progress.

The first technique in mastering an impressionist style of painting is in the actual name itself,  'Impressionism'.

We are trying to achieve an 'impression' of the field of study, rather than a detailed copy, so squinting your optics at the subject, to blur the details is one of the beginning tricks to adopt.

This tutorial is platonic to get out some of your fears at the door, accept fun and loosen upward a scrap, set to get started?…

The epitome beneath can be 'right clicked' and 'Save image as', so you can use it as a reference.

monet video lesson reference photo

Materials yous volition demand:


  • Size 4 black sus scrofa brush filbert (from Jackson's Art)
  • Size 8 or 10 round constructed brush
  • Size three round synthetic


  • 12 10 12 foursquare pre-primed canvass. ( for this demonstration I'm using a Winsor & Newton deep edge canvas)
  • Kitchen scroll
  • Clean water
  • Tear-off palette or stay-moisture palette

Paints – The colour palette

Artist quality acrylic colours ( I've used a mix of Gold Heavy Trunk colours & Winsor & Newton Artist Acrylic)

  • Titanium White (modern equivalent to lead white)
  • Cadmium Yellow ( medium or light, I've used Cadmium Yellowish Medium for this example)
  • Cadmium Red Light (this is an orange-red which is quite shut to Vermillion used by Monet)
  • Permanent Alizarin Crimson (Westward&North)
  • Cobalt Blue Hue
  • Permanent Green Light ( similar to Emerald Dark-green, when mixed with the Ultramarine Blueish will produce a dark dark-green similar to Viridian)
  • Ultramarine Bluish
  • Cobalt Violet Hue

To better illustrate the Impressionist technique and speed of painting, I am using a more extended palette than I would unremarkably recommend for painters just starting out.

The acrylic pigment colours I use during this tutorial, are modern equivalents to the paint colours used by Monet.

Some of the exact pigments he used are no longer bachelor, and replacements have been human being-made out of a combination of pigments to replicate the original colours.

When a Hue is non a Hue

When a modernistic paint colour has been developed to replicate a historical colour, the word 'hue' is used on the tube, for example, 'Cobalt Blue Hue'.

This is not to exist confused with 'hue' – every bit in a colour's hue, for instance 'that colour has a red hue'.

I appreciate it tin can exist hard not to confuse them as they are the same word!

But 'hue' when used on a paint tube, indicates that the pigments used in the paint mixture are a combination.

Footstep ane – Use a coloured basis.

From the Old Masters to Monet using a coloured basis is a technique that is often forgotten in the art room.

It helps to take abroad the glare from the white of the canvas and gives you a mid-tone to paint onto. The technique is and then easy to implement and will quickly improve your painting near instantaneously – Information technology's number 1 in my painting principles.

For this demonstration, I'1000 using Yellow Ochre.

Monet would have usually used a more than muted ground colour, but for the choice of epitome nosotros're working from this seemed to fit the beak.

Simply use a watered-down mix of Yellow ochre onto a pre-primed canvass or board.

Y'all tin can read more near the benefits of a coloured ground; there is also a video demonstration on how I utilize the coloured footing beneath.

Step 2 – Drawing out

simple landscape acrylic lesson

The side by side stage is to depict out the basic shapes in the piece.

As this demonstration is more of a study of impressionist techniques rather than an exercise in developing a more than finished composition, you don't have to spend too long on the cartoon. I use a 3B pencil to roughly sketch in the main shapes.

Step three – Setting out the palette.

I then lay out my colours onto a tear-off palette. If yous want a fleck more working time with your acrylics, then yous can set out your paints onto a stay-wet palette. There is a video tutorial beneath on how I would usually ready out my colours on the stay-wet palette.

Plein air painting

Monet oft began with a rapid blocking in of the colours, as he was working inside the constraints of daylight.

When painting subjects 'en plein air' the colours in nature can alter very quickly as the sun moves position throughout the day, the lower the dominicus is in the heaven, the warmer the lite, with sunrise and sunset having a warm colour in comparison to the cool bluish light of north low-cal.

Monet seemed to favor this warm light as it gives such a rich variety of tones in one scene. Some of the calorie-free techniques he was trying to attain only lasted for less than 10 minutes, so we have to work quickly!

Nosotros are using a hog hair brush to move the paint around quickly and easily, it will also enable you to add together thicker, impasto paint in future lessons on this painting and exist closer to the materials he would accept used with oil paint.

Here are my top 6 tips for achieving a successful Impressionist painting:

  1. squint
  2. use a squealer hairbrush
  3. apply thick paint
  4. use complementary colours
  5. mix colour on the canvas
  6. adopt an impressionist palette

Stride 4 – Launder in the heaven

impressionist painting lesson

Using Cobalt bluish hue and water, I add a very loose watery wash to the acme of the sky. I'm just trying to establish some basic colours in the slice.

As the heaven becomes lighter towards the horizon, I add together Titanium White to lighten the mix.
During this procedure, I'm painting very quickly using gestural marks, and I'1000 not concerned with getting it spot on, it'south a example of getting information technology on there and getting a feel for the painting.

Stride 5 – Block in the mountain.

simple landscape painting lesson

The mountain has 3 simple mixes; yous can come across how it changes from left to correct.

The starting time mix is Cobalt Bluish Hue and Titanium White which I pigment with a thicker mix than the heaven. I then mix a turquoise by adding the permanent green light to the cobalt blue hue.

I blend these colours 'wet into moisture' and add more of the green to the mix as I go to the left-hand side of the painting to indicate trees.

Footstep half-dozen – Creating colour harmony.

brush stroke technique

When this color is mixed, I browse the reference paradigm for any examples of this colour appearing in the foreground of the slice. This helps to unify the scene and give a movement of colours throughout the painting.

I use brusk strokes to apply the pigment slightly more impasto (thicker) than the initial wash in we used for the sky.

These dabs of colour help to move the viewer'southward eye around the painting.

I then add Cadmium Yellow Medium and a affect of Titanium White to the mixture to vary the tints slightly.

optical mixing with paint

How to paint like Monet –  Complimentary video Course |Role 1

This video beneath shows the first steps I have to offset the painting process of this impressionistic landscape painting.

Make sure to subscribe (information technology's gratis) to keep updated; you'll get email updates when the adjacent video is posted.

Next week, for Part 2, we'll start to add the violets to bring the lavender to life and add some warm colours to the foreground.

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How to Paint like Monet – Part 2
How to Paint like Monet – Function 3

How to Paint like Monet – Part 4


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