City Sightseeing Berlin Hop on Hop Off Reviews

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While Berlin is great for exploring, sometimes it'southward difficult to figure out the best way to see this historic and fascinating German city.

Do you accept a boat, a bus, or your own ii feet?

On a recent trip to Berlin, we got to combine all three!

In this Berlin Hop-On, Hop-Off bus sightseeing review, were going to unpack exactly what it ways to discover Berlin with the City Sightseeing buses.

Ticket Options

City sightseeing keeps your ticket flexible for maximum apply.

You lot can choose between 24 hour and 48 hour tickets, and you tin can too decide whether yous desire the boat tour added on (we would recommend doing the gunkhole as well!).

If y'all're purchasing the tickets alee of time, you'll exist sent a paper voucher.

You can substitution this with a member of City Sightseeing staff earlier you get on your first bus.

Where Does the Tour Become?

There are two chief routes, one mainly roofing Eastward Berlin and one in Westward Berlin with some overlap.

2 is honestly the perfect number of options for a tour similar this because it helps go on it simple and non overwhelm you when you oasis't been to Berlin before to know which route to take! It also makes it the perfect addition to a two days in Berlin itinerary as you tin can exercise i route each day.

Urban center Sightseeing have called the best routes through the city for you so you don't demand to fret and only have a quick glance and pick your beginning one.

Check out the maps here.

How Does It Work?

The benefits of a hop on and hop off omnibus are that information technology allows you to see Berlin through more than a bus window.

While you accept the condolement of being able to follow a route, you tin can hop off or on the bus at any finish, similar the Berlin Spy Museum, which gives yous the chance to spend time seeing some of the chief attractions up shut or deciding you'd similar to stroll your own way through the streets for a chip.

Once you have exchanged your voucher for a ticket or purchased a ticket from a member of staff, you lot can use the Metropolis Sightseeing App to effigy out your closest terminate and meet where the buses are in real time.

The buses run about every 15 minutes per stop, then fifty-fifty if you lot get to 1 once a bus has just left, you lot won't have as well long to expect.

Due to the double decker nature of the buses, yous can choose a seat up summit with an open roof or ane on the bottom floor which feels more like a regular buses.

Exist aware that glass surrounding the too means that you'll still exist looking through a barrier, but you lot tin feel the wind in your fave and sunshine on your confront!

One time in the bus, y'all can employ your headphones (provided by City Sightseeing) to plug in to the headphone jack in front end of you lot and heed to the commentary.

The recorded audio plays automatically depending on what part of Berlin you're driving by, and you'll hear both practical facts as well as stories and more light-hearted commentary.

You can choose your language from quite a few options.

What About the Boat?

If you choose to practise a gunkhole tour as well, this is provided by a different company than City Sightseeing, Reederei Riedel, but yous use the same ticket to access the boat.

Boats depart nigh every 30 minutes and the river tour is about an hour.

There are not stops to become off and on, but rather i long loop that takes you upwards and down the river while recorded audio in High german and English gives y'all facts and information about what yous're seeing.

Who Should Go along a Hop-on and Hop-off Sightseeing Bout?

Of class you lot can hop on and hop off at any end, just if y'all don't spend much time on the bus at all then in that location's no real betoken.

We think this would exist great for anyone who just has a limited amount of time in Berlin.

To be able to see so many of the major sites while zipping effectually on the bus is awesome.

Non only that, but you have a recorded guide telling you lot what y'all're seeing then y'all understand the context of it.

It's also a great style to outset off a trip, like nosotros did.

If you begin by getting a bout of the highlights (getting off at some stops to accept pictures of course!), then y'all can use it to help evidence yous where yous desire to explore more or discover out more than about.

Combine it with Secret Food Tours in Berlin and you've got yourself an intinerary!


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